On the health of men affects a huge amount of circumstances. Bad habits, bad environment, the consumption of different drugs, the unstable psycho-emotional environment – this is that little thing of which affects the health of men. But there are factors that affect which is very difficult, for example, a change in ecological unfavourable to the region of purer and purer. But there are circumstances which change under the influence of any man. The discourse on nutrition. In fact, this is not a secret that there are products – increasing the power, and even there are products to overcome erectile dysfunction. So this must be the power to improve the power performance in men?

Food for the power
The menu for the male reproductive health should be varied and balanced (lean meats, fish, seafood, fruits and vegetables). Men often ask: what to eat to increase the power?
Products to increase libido in men:
- the mackerel;
- the liver;
- the green;
- curd;
- fig;
- lemon;
- apples;
- fat;
- radishes;
- carrots;
- BlackBerry jam;
- mango.
With the right combination of these products in men of power – a strong erection guaranteed!
Some exciting products for men work on women. For example: strawberry, avocado, chocolate, ginger.
Recipes for men's health
The products useful for the male body to the house can be transformed into delicious dishes. The power supply for the reinforcement of the strength of the men, who generally should not be high in calories. Basically, it is the food of natural origin rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and other trace elements.
Seafood pasta
Everyone knows that the fruits of the sea are powerful aphrodisiacs. And in combination with wheat pasta that they give are not only fantastic a tasty dish, but and the tide of the strength of the men.
List of ingredients:
- 400g seafood (shrimp, mussels, oysters);
- 250g cream;
- 2-3 cloves of garlic;
- hard cheese;
- the green onion;
- onions;
- in the olive oil.
- Pasta to boil, add the olive oil, to prevent.
- Wash and cut the seafood.
- Sauté in a pan first the garlic and the onions.
- Then add the navy cocktails, and cook 3 to 5 minutes.
- Add the green onion, make the wetness evaporate, add the cream and spices, bring to a boil.
- Expose to the seafood pasta, mix and heat.
- Sprinkle the cheese farm.
The omelette onion
Is, apparently, a simple dish, has an excellent capacity to improve erectile function. Doesn't matter how you are going to prepare this dish. The key to the chicken or quail eggs and green or onion.
Chocolate cocktail
Hot chocolate, with no additives is still regarded as a drink to enhance libido. For the prevention of urological diseases, as well as for the strengthening of the erection, it is advised to men and women all the days dissolve slice of dark chocolate.
For the smoothie, you will need:
- 50 g of chocolate (75%);
- 0,5 cup of milk;
- 70 ml of organic coffee;
- 1 tablespoon of sugar;
- 3 pieces of cardamom
- the nuts of nutmeg.
- Heat the milk.
- Add the sugar and the chopped chocolate.
- The banana grind in a blender.
- Make the mixture of coffee, banana and chocolate milk.
- Season with the cardamom, and nutmeg.
- And whisk until obtaining a homogeneous mass.
- Pour into a glass.
Drink a cocktail, it is recommended before the sexual act. Because all its ingredients are of the products to increase the power. There is evidence that chocolate contributes to the excitement and receive the most brilliant orgasm.
Products improve erectile function
Products for the lifting of the force of men there will be to any kitchen. It is natural products that do not contain preservatives and dyes, not containing large quantities of cholesterol and of good impact on digestion. It is all apicultural products, beans, marine cabbage, fresh tomatoes. But not all foods that increase the power of men, act instantly. The products include:
- cicurina (camel stomach);
- oysters;
- berries (raspberries, blueberries);
- pumpkin seeds;
- koumis;
- the turnip.
The key, the use of turnip has been known since antiquity. It turnips in boiled form, and its seeds are also a quick way improves erection.
The products of reduction of the power
With this, it is better to eat the power set. Now consider the products, causing a decline in sexual function:
- Beer. One of the worst enemies of the health of men. Frequent consumption of beer, a man's threat of the increase of female hormones – estrogen.
- Sugar. If the man exceeds the daily requirement of consumption of sweet (and this is the 6 teaspoons of sugar), it may very well take on the challenge of reducing power.
- Semi-finished products. Even a child knows about the danger of instant noodles or schnitzel, that just needs to warm up. This food is detrimental to the health of men in general and power in particular.
- Trans fat. Cheap solid oil, which is very negatively affecting the health of men. See the mayonnaise, chips, popcorn, manufacturers of confectionery.
The impact of vegetarianism on the power

Vegetarianism is the refusal of food of animal origin. The people that the vegan diet is the norm of life – a lot. The more often they assert that the refusal of meat has a positive impact on their health and their sex life. But is it really?
Vegetarian products to improve the potency in men – truth or fiction? Indeed, from the medical point of view – the lack of animal fats impact negatively on the production of testosterone. And this hormone, as it is known, is responsible for the functioning of the male reproductive system. Similarly, in the meat contains unique, essential amino acids.
In fact, the controversy on the topic of vegetarian nutrition is not the case. The supporters and the opponents claim that their position quite confident. Will not deal with someone on the other side, leave the choice (which is useful for power)will remain for everyone. All the world is not the worst that can have a passion for the modern man.